It’s Not a Competition (2022)

Over the years of our collaborative practice, we have written many applications to arts organisations, requesting funding, mentoring, producing support and the opportunity to present our work. We have gathered all these applications together in publicly-accessible e-book, It’s Not a Competition.

We keenly feel that our artist peers are the primary support and context of our practice. We hope that publishing these applications can mitigate the culture of competition that can arise when artists are pitted against one another for limited resource. Beyond simply offering peers example texts that might be of use when they are writing their own bids, we hope this gesture of transparency can relieve some of the shame and desperation that can cloud such individual requests for support, which are overwhelmingly met with rejection.

We also think it’s funny to expose the things we say about our work when seeking support. Flick through to see our grandest claims, most sycophantic prostrations, and emptiest promises.

Digital Publication: You can download a copy by clicking here.